
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Treetop trekking

Today we went for treetop trekking in Brampton... in the rain.

The experience was great. The nice thing is that once you are up there, you cannot give up until you reach the last platform, where there is a stair for you to get down. So you are pushed to the limit, you will have to overcome he obstacles, your fear to get to the finish line.

At one point, one person in my group was stuck on a difficult section, unable to move forward. She was shaking, mostly from the cold and from standing there for too long. But, she had to figure out the way to walk across, and she did it. 
So the activity push you forward, no looking back. The reward is great.
The view is great on the trees, once you walk through the connecting lines. Or if you are up to it, stop while you are walking, the view is incredible.

And then, at the end, you can proudly say, "I've done it".

I have done it and I love it. I would have loved to rewalk to Kingfisher line many times.

P/S while the week was nice. It has to rained on the weekend when we planned this. But the rain barely touched us under all the foliage. The air was cold and fresh. It was great regardless of the weather

Brampton was one of the smaller place. I heard Barrie facility is bigger and more challeging. I want to go there next.

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