
Monday, April 25, 2016

The Don Dialogue – bold, inspiring, and exciting

Just last week, I had the opportunity to volunteer at The Don Dialogue panel on April 21th and listen to inspiring panelists talking about changing the Don River watershed.
Super Park
A view of the River Valley Park, looking south from the Brickworks. 
(Brenda Webster Tweel with Felipe Avila, The Globe and Mail)
The aim of the panel was to discuss the future of the Don Valley River, the possibility of converging the space into a park, spanning from Pottery road (North of Bloor) all the way to Corktown Common at the mouth of Lake Ontario (details here). 

What striking and inspiring about this panel is the vision painted by Geoff Cape, CEO of Evergreen (Evergreen Brickworks locates just next to Don River Valley, on Bayview) and the panelists – including architechtures from USA, and City of Toronto managers. (details on speakers here)

What did I take away?

The thing I learn from this panel is the thousands of green spaces built and being built at this moment. In the US, there are Chicago’s project 606 (building public space with garden and bike trail on existing elevated railway) and Brooklyn Bridge Park (park space on piers, on the wasted old industrial space) – two I was most impressed with among many others.

Credit: The 606 Chicago
Brooklyn Bridge Park (credit: Urban Omnibus)

These projects not only re-purpose the old, wasted structure/ land, but also bring green spaces to urban city, giving people a community space, separate from the concrete and cement roads. It brings people in the heart of the city closer to nature.

For me, these are proofs of incredible things we can achieve. These are the basis for my renewed faith and hope in humanity, in the power to do good. The proofs that we can do anything, we can contribute positively to climate change, if we all put our mind to it.

It is now Toronto’s turn. The wheel is now in motion for a Don River Valley park, among others ideas and plans all over Don River, from north to south – a cable car, bike lanes, bike trails, connecting bridges, renaturalizing the mouth of Don River,… With all the inputs and proposals, now is the opportunity to reshape the Don River Valley space. What is needed is the input from passionate people, from all walks of life.

There is two coming events at Evergreen Brick Works about the Don Valley, a film screening of documentary Accidental Parkland on May 10th, and an ecological panel on May 25th. Registration is free at

Learn more about Don River Valley Park, visit its website.
Watch Accidental Parkland trailer here

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