
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Jane’s Walk - Discovering the neighborhood

Last weekend Apr 18th, I went to volunteer for Jane’s Walk. The day was devoted for introduction, volunteer orientation, and preparation for the event on May 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

So what is Jane’s Walk?

Jane’s Walk is a movement  inspired by Jane Jacob, an urbanist and activist. She wrote a lot about community and city building development. (more on this later)

But we do not need to know about Jane to enjoy Jane’s Walk.

Jane Walk’s is a chance for us to explore and enjoy various neighborhoods on foot, something working people, busy people often do not do. It is volunteer run; every step of the way is volunteer run, from the organizing of tours to the tours themselves.

Jane's Walk now happens in 134 cities in 25 countries.

Jane's Walk in Toronto

Toronto is home to many distinct neighborhood, from bustling downtown core to natural paths, and many diverse culture, Greek, Korean, Italy,... This year, Toronto has more than 150 tours, all lead by locals of the neighborhoods. 

It is a chance for an Etobicoke resident, like me, to learn a little more about Scarborough, and vice versa. Or even if you think you know your neighborhood, you can go on a tour and discover something new. The walk is an occasion for dialogue, for sharing, exploring and learning.

You can check out this place to learn more about Jane’s Walk, and may be drag some of your friends to come and enjoy a walk, exploring the city, and then love it even more.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

'Do one thing every day that scares you.'---Eleanor Roosevelt

Well, this is not exactly scary, but in spirit, it is. 
It is me embracing life and being spontaneous. 

Today, a moment inspiration just got over me, and I walked ~4.5km from one student home to another, enjoying the early spring air. (I am not a runner, jogger, or anywhere near fit).

The weather was nice, sunny, and I came across a park with a creek. No leaves on trees yet, but because of this, I got a nice clear view of the park below.

No leaves yet. But thanks to that, I got a nice view of the park below.

P/S. Finally, spring seems to have officially came to Toronto.

A tiny Tulip, probably racing to bloom, fearing another cold spell.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Today brought about some interesting reminder.
City of Toronto workers came and told us that they would turn off the water for 4-6 hours to fix a breakage.
Normally, it would not even be felt for the residents here, since it is a Thursday – most are either working or at school. Being at home, however, I rush to store water in large pots before they cut off the water, thinking how I can ration this water through the day.
In the end, the water was only off for 2-3 hrs, and its absence was not really felt. But it reminded of the time when I lived back in Vietnam (how we have to save and ration our water) and of how precious water is.

How it is in third world countries?

In Vietnam, water was a luxury, and still is (more so, the farther you got away from the center city). Water source was not a steady supply. We could go on for some time with water just barely dripping from the faucet. Or we would have orange/ metallic tasting water.
Dirty tap water 

 And so the need of tank, pool, buckets. In my childhood, my every house I know has some kind of a reservoir for water so that we have a steady supply of water when we need it.My family built a huge brick tank. My friend house, which did not have a tank, has big glass bottles filled with water. Water has to be left there, until the debris settle, for it to be acceptable. And boiling is a must for it to be drinkable. Depends on your location, your water can have a very different taste to it (I do not have a sensitive tongue, but this I can testify to.)
Water was precious. We save our rice water and vegetable cleansing water for dish washing. We safe floor cleaning water and rain water to clean our yard and water the plant. We used water until it was dirty beyond use before we pour it down the drain.

And Canada?

Here in Canada, however, water is not so precious. We have bottled water, we discard half-used water bottle. We use tap water for drinking, washing, and watering plant. My cousins growing up over here have no concept of turning the tap down a notch to save some water.  We put so much resource to make tap water to drinkable level, and it is used for purpose less than that. It seems wasteful.
Of course there has been some program to save water, including using rain water and reusing hand washing water to flush the toilet. And I am glad for that. But really, we must be all very aware of our water usage and must use them better.


I remember watching a movie, where many characters (living in a hard time) had but one bottle of clean water in the morning to ration between them to brush their teeth and wash their faces. That’s what happens in third world countries. 
And even in rural China

I actually at the better end of things, I still have water supplied to my house, rather than having to go fetch water like many others in Africa or having no clean water like those in rural areas (Watch Here).
My point is the same, water is precious and limited, and we should use it with care. This incident reminds me again the days when water was scared and the places where water is scared.

P/S.  countryside has their own way to get clean water – collecting rain. I had the pleasure to live in the countryside for sometimes, and the rain water was the best experience ever, clean, cool, and refreshing, very different from the water I usually had in the city. But again, we can only collect rain in rain season, so it is not a steady supply. I guess I am still glad that it is not dessert like Africa.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Hello World

Welcome to Mushroom’s Journey,

Be as ease, I am not here to talk about mushroom (and it has little to do with mushroom, so if you are here find much about exotic muchroom species here, sorry).

Why mushroom then? It will be a topic for another time.
This will be, first and foremost,  a personal blog. I am writing this to commit myself to what I do, to meet like-minded people, and to open for new learning opportunity.

So what will I blog about? I have not had a full picture yet, but I will blog about what I do, what I found interesting - books, language learning, computer programming (beginner), and life in general.

This is a beginning, and I apologize in advance because I will still be tweaking the blog for many months to come. I am learning about blog at the same time as everything else I mentioned above.

And this is my journey, a mushroom’s journey.. (maybe I should change that name, before it’s too late..)