
Friday, June 3, 2016

Beyond Jane’s Walk and into 100in1 Day

So it is already almost a month from the official Jane’s Walk festival. How are you? Have you gone on tours/walks or discovered something new?
I learned something about fruit trees in the city and many efforts from many incredible people to make food more accessible, like Not Far From the Tree and Powery Project.
There are still more walks throughout the year, especially tomorrow, as part of 100in1day movement in Toronto.

Poster for Toronto 100in1day June 4th

Launched in 2012 in Bogota, Columbia, 100in1 is a movement that encourage activation of 100 community-based innovations and ideas for social justice and change, all in one day. Thus 100 in 1 day, 100 actions intervention in one day.
The aim: for citizens to take active parts in building their dream city.
100in1day extended to over 10 cities worldwide.
In 2012, 100in1day launched in Bogotá, Columbia.
In 2013, the festival extended to: Cape Town, South Africa; San José, Costa Rica; Copenhagen, Denmark; Montreal, Canada; Santiago, Chile, El Salvador; Managua, Nicaragua; Malmö, Sweden and Kaluga, Russia.
In 2014, lead by Evergreen in part with United Way Toronto and York Region this celebration also included: Halifax, Toronto, and Vancouver, Canada.
In 2015, Lead by Evergreen, Hamilton, Ontario joined.
This year, in 2016, Edmonton, Alberta will also join in on the fun. [source: 100in1day Toronto]
For Toronto, this is the third year of participation. And the event is tomorrow June 4th.
There are more than 100 interventions around the city, including the Jane’s walks, laneway cleanup, art projects. bike projects, etc.
Evergreen Brickworks also host a range of events from environmental activities to art and civic engagement.
For me, this is a chance to explore the city and learn about communities living herer. Also, it is great weekend activities for families and groups.
Is this happening near you? If so, this is a great chance for a fun exploring day.

Let’s have a great day tomorrow.